(June 18, 1949)

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     LA NACIÓN: "Yesterday the opera Norma was presented in the Colón".

     [...] The version presented at our municipal auditorium last night, if not really extraordinary, was nevertheless an attractive union. Having said that, we must go directly to Maestro Tullio Serafin and the orchestra of the Colón, which he led in a vigorous and exact version of the score. The Greek soprano Maria Callas took on the difficult role of the protagonist which has been performed by many sopranos of international fame. Callas impressed far more here than in Turandot, displaying her convincing acting ability and secure line of singing. Her middle voice was most pleasing with its blend of various colors and, moreover, she lent her own emotional touches to the role. The audience gave a well-deserved and vigorous approval to her singing. The mezzo-soprano Fedora Barbieri sang an Adalgisa wholly in character and appealing in every way. [...] The bass Nicola Rossi-Lemeni lent noble relief to the figure of Oroveso. The interplay between the singers was intently followed by the audience who launched into enthusiastic demonstrations of applause during the opera’s most famous moments.