(June 18, 1949)

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     LA PRENSA: "Norma returned last night to the Colón".

     [...] Callas undertook the role of Norma with far greater vocal success than she had had as the protagonist in Turandot, which she also performed before our public. As an actress, she gave the role dramatic vigor; vocally, she was outstanding in "Casta diva", sung with great delicacy and vocal refinement, and she also achieved success in the rest of the role.
     Fedora Barbieri was an Adalgisa of generous and rich voice, excellent in her interpretation and expressive in feeling as well. She achieved perfect unity between singer and actress in a creation as personal as it was appropriate. [...]
     The bass Nicola Rossi-Lemeni was a regal Oroveso and displayed a vocal instrument of great beauty. [...]
     Chorus and orchestra unfolded with great efficacy, and Maestro Tullio Serafin interpreted the score with expressiveness and care.
     The audience long applauded the leading singers and the conductor.